Hi everyone! We’re relocating to Berlin!
After two and half successful years in Cape Town, building DA Musical as a growing international music production and promotions business, I am very pleased to announce that we’re moving our HQ to Berlin!
Our links with South African musicians and venues are still strong though, having aligned ourselves with some fantastic promoters and other truly professional contacts. Together, we will ensure that we keep growing South Africa’s industry as a whole, opening doors for our nation’s finest in Europe, Australia and the USA eventually. We will also be growing South Africa as a sought-after destination for travelling international artists and their fans from across the globe.
We have some very exciting projects to work on already, including the international promotion of some very exciting talent from South Africa, the USA and the UK. Click on their links below be taken to their profiles on our website.
Goodluck. (ZA) | The Kiffness (ZA) | The WINTYR (ZA) | Jann Klose (USA) |Jennifer Eaves (ZA) |
Cardboard Carousel (UK) | Emma-Jean (ZA)
Keep in touch with us and follow our progress as we provide our amazing musicians with growing opportunities, the world over. If you would like to request any of our fine musicians for your next event or festival, email us on bookings@damusical.com – we look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for being part of our journey!
Yours in music,
DA Musical | Owner
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